Wednesday, February 5, 2014

How to create simple weekly import files for your appointments no matter what scheduling software you use

Hi : In this blog post I would like to talk a little bit about creating weekly import files with your customers appointments.

This is a good solution if your business has the following:

  • Does not schedule through Google Calendar
  • Has a regular customer base that schedules appointments (not a ton of new customers).
Basically there are 2 steps to importing these appointments:

Step 1 - Create a customer import file (you can do this monthly or weekly or as often as you wish). 
    1. Make sure you include the customer ID in this import. (screenshot below).
    2. The customer ID is what you will use in your appointment import in step 2.
    3. Basically this file is just a .csv file that consists of a few fields to identify your customers.
    4. Upload this file to your account through the Import Files section. This will add all of your customers.

Step 2 - Create your weekly appointment import.
    1. Basically just a .csv file with the following fields.
    2. Upload your file to your account through the Import Files section of our site.
    3. This way you don't have to upload all of the customer info every week.
    4. If you add more customers, you can simply upload another customer import.

It couldn't be much simpler!
