Wednesday, October 30, 2013

New! Reminder Schedule - Setting days/times to send reminders

We have just added a new feature to our interface. You can now change the days and times that your reminders will be sent. Before this change, reminders would be sent Mon-Fri 9AM-8PM. Now you may change the schedule to suit your needs.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Enhanced Import File Upload

Enhanced import file area with the ability to evaluate your import file before upload. Make sure your import file is valid by evaluating it before you upload.

Use your own origination email address

Added the ability to use your own email address when sending email reminders. Make sure your customers receive their email reminders by originating them from your business email address. This is only available with paid Business Accounts.

View Reminder Status

New! View the status of your reminders through the interface. You can view all the reminders that are in your queue, as well as the status and replies of reminders that have been sent. You can also search by, and return results based on sent/not sent, customer names, dates, and more!

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